Spicy sweets, an experience that’s keen.
With Akipika, the mix is the theme,
Sweet and spicy, a rhythm extreme.

Akipika – Where flavors meet and the fun never retreats.


Spicy sweets, an experience that’s keen.
With Akipika, the mix is the theme,
Sweet and spicy, a rhythm extreme.

Akipika – Where flavors meet and the fun never retreats.


Authentic flavors, fresh and in sight,
Fruit explosion; oh, what a delight,
Spicy paradise, an endless flight,
With Akipika, taste is dynamite.



Nombre: Christian Flores
Correo electrónico: c.flores@norjal.com
Teléfono: 33 1098 0357

Nombre: Eduardo Nava
Correo electrónico: e.nava@norjal.com
Teléfono: 33 3611 2438